Monday, October 25, 2004

Livejournal refugee reporting in

So, I'm a recovering LJ user. I have to admit that this is a lot more to my persoanl liking.

I'll add to this through today, and hopefully use this more often than I did my last blog.

I know my wife, for one would be happy with that ;)

Anyway about myself: White male early thirties born and raised in the south. Big football fan. Big, but getting smaller everyday, person. Big liberal, which makes for big contradicitons and tremendous irony.

The Southern Liberal:

I am what I thought a democrat down south should always be. I don't think people should be prevented from being able to take their guns hunting, but you don't need a semi automatic to take down a 10 point. I think the church is a nice place, but doesn't belong in a smoke filled room where the wheels get greased and the work gets done.

I think if you find somone in your life, by God you should be able to live your life with them. Even if you're gay.

That's one of those things you don't hear much about, southern liberals, but they're out there, hiding in the shadows, keeping their peace and being good people, for the most part.

Anyway, there's some stuff I want to get out there and on my chest,. so this will do for now.

Hi and welcome. Have some pie.

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