I watch a little during the playoffs, I grew up liking the braves and Cubs, so I got used to defeat as a youngster. Now with the modernbraves, I am comfortable with the eventual collapse in the playoffs.
So when the strike occured, it didn't take a whole lot to push me off the cliff. Some say I might have been spotted leaping from the bandwagon before the wheels went flying down into deadman's gulch.
At any rate, while I like the Boston Red Sox as a concept, I'm really rooting for them to win so that their fans will just shut up.
Seriously, Red Sox fan is almost as bad a Bama Fan or Tide Fan. *when I find the stories showing just how nuts these fans are, i'll link these appropriately*
Let us move to this years playoffs. I again root for the Red Sox. No, that's not right.
I am rooting for Curt Schilling.
This is a man who has developed a condition where a tendon in his right ankle pops over the bones of his feet with a pop, causeing severe discomfort, and more importantly a significant loss of strength.
So what does he do? he undergoes an experimental procedure to have the tendon sutured in place. Just cut him up, sew him up, and stich him up. Then out to the field.
That ain't ketchup. . .
The man is pitching in the national league playoffs and the world series, and he has blood pouring from his ankles , coating his socks profusely. The irony of the team being named the "Red Sox", should not be lost Perhaps it could be said that in a tradition filled with curses and bugaboos, it was a portent of possible salvation.
Of course, as every Sox fan knows, they were up 2-0 in '86 and lost the series. Lord knows Bill Buckner can never forget.
So, fight on Curt Schilling! You speak volumes of determination, grit effort and just plain old stubborness, that the rest of us can only imagine.
And if you canget those yahoos from mentioning the word "curse" again, then God bless you.
Read more for yourself
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