Thursday, March 22, 2007

A little writing.

An odd place to put something that i did put some effort, but I felt the guys would appreciate it.

Main Entry: op·por·tu·ni·ty
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties

1 : a favorable juncture of circumstances
2 : a good chance for advancement or progress

This word, more than any in the English language, is the most apt
description of season that our beloved Dynamo began on the first of
March on the Costa Rican shores of the Pacific. The team will face many
obstacles and challenges in the weeks and months ahead. Many
competitions and games, historical moments of high and low drama await
us and them. There is hope, in this early time, to think about the
possibilities to come and how our team has been blessed with the skill
and fortune to go where we would not even believe possible one year ago.

1 : a favorable juncture of circumstances

We currently stand one extremely dangerous game away from the prospect
of our Dynamo continuing on to play in an additional tournament, be it
Copa Sudamericana or the Club World Cup in Tokyo. It will be the most
difficult thing this team has done. It is unfortunate that it is so
early, but this is the most important game in the history of this
franchise, before or after their arrival. The opportunity to face the
larger world, to test our skill and resolve against them, to see where
we stand; It's a rare and singular honor to do so.

We have the opportunity to test the strength of our teams depth and
resolve. We will lose many valuable members of the team to
international commitments this year. It's a testament to the strength
of our team to have to give them up, and it provides our team the
chance to work those parts which were waiting for the opportunity. We
saw that with Wells stepping up for Onstadt. His penalty save and
heroic work so far have been instrumental in our current success.

We will see our boys work harder and longer than ever. It's an
opportunity to show the value and quality of every person on this team,
the likes of which we have not seen before. We are fortunate for that,
for the timing of this is in our favor. Our commitments lie in the June
and July, and will take different players at different times. DeRo will
not be at Copa America, and the remaining Americans will probably be
split between the two competitions. The mixing and matching required
will only benefit in the long term. The chemistry needed should really
take hold when the real congestion of Superliga and USOC enter into the

2 : a good chance for advancement or progress

There's a lot going on, but it's not an impossible situation. We have a
strong team and sound coaching and the support from the fans. It's up
to us as much as them to keep them going, to be there even at the
worst. I know you guys can do it, and I know that they can as well.

I'll be there as much as time and distance will allow me, but there's a
good chance for real progress, to advance our name to a larger level.
That's opportunity defined, and it's ours for the taking.

Let's keep this Dynamo going.

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