Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Stress Managment

So, like most everyone else, I have people who expect things that simply cannot be done. This is not because of a lack of effort or desire, but because you have things in life that are just outside of your control, yet have a direct bearing on you.

Things like shipping companies. Curse them and Bless them at the same time.

I find, after some time, that the best way to manage these types of stressful moments is to be fully prepared, able to answer any questionyou can think of, and a few you wouldn't for good measure. People are strange, and can ask off the wall question,or have great insight and try to ferret out a fault or omission.

Be true, and be concise. Give your info, and leave no room to be questioned further. This impresses those who seek to challenge, and puts fear in those who lack the courage to speak their mind. Either way, it puts the pressure off of you.

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