Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The morning grind

So, Having a pepperoni pizza on an upset stomach is not such a good thing.

My friend Marie has already chastized me for that. My wife would have too if she wasn't busy preparing for another test in Biology today. I feel she's ready. She's got a very good system for studying. I'm proud of her, she's been doing great since she's gotten back into school life.

I've been ill for some time now, going on five days. I'm more annoyed than anything else. It's not enough to keep me from work, but it does make for anxious moments. It's sapped a lot of energy from me. I find myself even less motivated than normal to do tasks around the house. I guess I should kickstart myself on that.

Oh well, the day's not going to just run itself. Time to get started.

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